1 Malaysia programs designed by
the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to emphasise ethnic harmony, national unity
and efficient governance. 1 Malaysia programs also design to helps people in
this country.
One of 1 Malaysia programs is
SL1M (1 Malaysia Training Scheme). SL1M program is aims to increase employability
and marketability among graduates through collaboration with Government-Linked
Companies (GLCs) and private sectors which implement SL1M as part of their
Corporate Social Responsibility. This program is designed to reduce the
employment rate among graduates. The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
has announced that company agreeing to provide training and job replacement to
graduates. SL1M create opportunities to graduates for career advancement.
Company under SL1M may recommend appropriate training programmes covering soft
skills and on-the-job training for a maximum period of one year. The target
graduate students for this programme are unemployment graduates holding a
bachelor’s degree and graduates holding a bachelor’s degree employed in a
position or earning a salary not commensurate with their qualification.
Next, 1 Malaysia programs is
Collection of KADS1M (Kad Debit Diskaun Siswa 1 Malaysia). KADS1M are given to
IPTA Student for replacement with BB1M (Baucar Buku 1 Malaysia) starting 2017. KADS1M
can benefits almost 1.3 IPTA student in Malaysia. KADS1M can help student
reduce the burden of the cost to buy books.
KADS1M can be used by student to buy books, stationeries, computer
equipment and internet access. The new ways replacement of Voucher Books by
using KADS1M are safer because it is debit card. In KADS1M contains RM 250 students can only be used
for the purchase scientific material in selected books stores. KADS1M can be
applied under Bank Rakyat by filled the online application.
Next, 1 Malaysia programs is
PR1MA (Perumahan Rakyat 1 Malaysia). PR1MA was established to plan, develop,
construct and maintain high-quality housing with lifestyle concepts for middle
income. This programs can benefits a person or household with middle income to
own a house. PR1MA homes come in various type like apartment, condominium and
landed house and size within an integrated community, sensibly designed to suit
different household needs. The price range of house between RM 100,000 to RM 400,000
but you can own a house within your reach or ability. PR1MA is open to all
Malaysians with monthly income within RM 2,500 to RM 15,000.
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